Friday, August 14, 2009

Summer Raku

A magnificent Raku wall hanging symbolises the beginning of summer in the islands. It has been hand crafted on Vancouver Island by Gale La Porte. This piece measures 11 by 11 inches approx. RAKU. Each piece is completely hand-sculpted to create its uniqueness. It is left for days to completely dry and is then bisque-fired in an electric kiln. The day before a planned raku firing, a number of pieces are prepared with two to three coats of a chosen glaze (a mix of a variety of chemicals). The next day, the raku kiln (propane-fired) is preheated, and then filled with my irregular shaped forms and fired for approximately one and one half hours (raising the temperature in increments). When the temperature reaches about 2000 degrees, each piece is removed with tongs and laid in a bed of shredded paper and sawdust. More paper is added on top and a lid is placed over. We wait (winter does require quicker processing). Shortly there after, (minutes) we lift the lid, brush the ashes aside, watch the glaze colour start to change and then spray with cold water at a precise moment! Each piece is then scrubbed, wired, and prepared for your approval. I thank Mother Nature for her inspiration I thank you for appreciating. Gale

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